Collaboration to achieve your aspirations

Our consultants are experts in fields ranging from operations, marketing, accounting, and more. We’re here to help your business shine.


We Are Committed to helping our partners overcome any challenge and attain spectacular results.

What You Want and What You Have Can Be the Same Thing!

You can experience the profits and success you went to law school for during the week and during the weekend you can experience the fun and memories with family and friends that make it all worthwhile. If you don’t have all of that, you are truly missing out!

Values we live by


Collaboration with our partners

We know you would benefit greatly from being a part of what is truly the best and brightest group of elder law attorneys in the country.


Passion for results

There is also an opportunity for you to be earning higher profits, gaining more high-paying clients, and having more time for yourself and your family.


Constantly improving

In this day and age of rapid change, not only in technology and marketing strategies, but also in the very underlying precepts of the law, I can’t imagine practicing on my own without the input of all of the smart people I’ve surrounded myself with. These include not only the folks in my office, but the wisdom of attorneys across the country in my various Mastermind Groups.

Our team of experts

With decades of proven experience, our team is prepared to help you achieve your goals, and beyond.

our consultants

Our consultants provide continuing education for the public and professionals in Pennsylvania and coaching for attorneys throughout the nation.

Leadership Team

Julie Steinbacher, Esquire is a Serial Entrepreneur, the President of The Million Dollar Solution; Founding Shareholder, Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak and Co-Owner of Nippenose Valley Village- a personal care facility located in Central Pennsylvania.

our Members trust us

Who we are


“MDS is a highly professional consulting firm. You can depend on us to be transparent, smart, and committed to our success.”

Proven Results


“For over 20 years, MDS has consistently proven our ability to understand business needs and help other outperform their expectations.”



“When you need help to manage the strategy and rollout of a complex marketing plan, MDS is the perfect partner.”


ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

We offer a free consultation for you to learn about us!